Dr. Michael Arkman Bonilla - Biblical Archaeologist & Author
A few words about Dr. Michael Arkman Bonilla...

Michael A. Bonilla has been  called, chosen and anointed  by God to share,  witness  and
minister the Gospel thru archaeology,  to  unbelievers as well as believers in both national
and  international  arenas.   Some  of   his  field  and  research work include (8) trips to the
Middle  East  which  include (7) tours to Israel, (2) tours to Eastern Turkey and (1) tour to
Jordan.  He has worked on  the remains of  Noah's Ark in Turkey,  the  remains  of  Sodom
and Gomorrah in the  Dead  Sea  area,   Israel;   the  actual  Crucifixion  Site  of  our  Lord  
and  Savior  Jesus  in Jerusalem, Israel. Michael loves sharing the gospel through teaching
on Intelligent Design: i.e. Creation,  Evolution  and  Dinosaurs,  which  happens  to be one
of  his most favorite teaching  topics. Recently, the Lord has called him to promote the KJV
Bible as God's "Only Preserved Word"  in  the English language and with this calling,  also
he's been commissioned by God, to
revise the King James Bible. This was also confirmed
prophetically on 3/21/12 by prophetess Ty Boye, of Lost Penny Found! Michael has been
walking with the Lord for over 3
5 years ago,  He  has  spent  well  over  20  years studying
and researching the Bible,  notably  in  the  fascinating field of  Biblical Archaeology.

His first passion is his relationship with his Lord and Savior Jesus,  his  second  passion is
for his wife
Judy and their two children, Samantha  and Gabriel who are very supportive
and  excited of  his  God  given ministry work.  Thirdly, the Lord  has  given  him a passion  
to share and witness to this lost and dying world,  all of the most significant biblical events
that have been recorded and discovered in our time,  in order to minister and strengthen the
body  of  Christ  through God's faith and most important,  to  reach  out  and  touch  the lost.

The Lord has also blessed  Michael with  the  gift  of  poetry,  whereby  he  can  share  and
witness the Gospel  through  poetry.   Michael has received numerous awards and has been
recognized internationally and  some  of  his  poetic  works  have  already  been  published  
and others works that are also schedule to be published in the near future. On July of  2004,
Dr. Michael Arkman Bonilla,  released and published  his  first  poetic  achievement  titled
book was published  by  Llumina  Press,  and is available through this  
website and is also
available also through Amazon.com,  Barnes  and  Noble, Borders  Books  and  many other
places.  His World Class PowerPoint archaeological presentations have been presented in
several times in New York, Texas (2x's) and Mexico (3x's) both in English and Español.

Dr. Bonilla is a biblical archaeologist who obtained his Ph.D. in  May of  2002,  with  high
honors (GPA of 3.93) in Archaeology from Parkwood University,  (originally based out in
London), through an accelerated distance learning program. His doctoral dissertation  titled  
"Discovery  of   Noah's  Ark"  covers the aspects of scientific testings along with scriptural
references from the Bible.  He's  also earned  his Bachelors of Science/Masters of Science  
degrees in Criminal Justice with a (GPA of  3.8),  from Columbia University. Michael will
be the first person to admit  that  all the schooling in the world could  and  did  not  prepare
him for the ministry that the  Lord  has given him, he very clearly states that it was the Holy
Spirit's anointing and gifting that has made a  way  for  his  knowledge,  understanding  and
prophetic insight. - "Without the guiding of the Holy Spirit illuminating my path, I would be
totally lost."  It's  great  having a degree that I worked so hard for, but  it  is  so much better
having  the  Holy  Spirit's  precious  anointing,  which gives me the edge and the advantage
over secular archaeologists.

prophetic insight and anointing are evident. Also known as God's Gladiator &  
The Arkman, this servant of the Lord, called to all 5 Fold Ministry Gifts as mentioned in the
book  of  Ephesians. A  few years ago, He received this
prophetic word  under the ministry
of Prophetess Susan Slusher of Christian Int'l™ based in (Florida), on March 2nd of  2007,  
the  word  best describes him as having
 audacity.   Michael  continues to grow in  his love
and affection unto his God,  by  fulfilling his calling with  a  heartfelt purpose of  impacting
peoples lives with the prophetic ministry God has sovereignly entrusted & given him.

In closing, it has been one of  the greatest desires of  his heart for one day to finally see and
witness the
Ark of the Covenant  with the blood of Jesus in the cave where Ron Wyatt first
discovered  it.  What an awesome testimony and witness to this world!  God  has  provided
hard physical evidence of  the truth and reality of  His son Jesus.  Thank you for visiting my
website and may God bless you!!!
Dr. Michael A. Bonilla with a Israeli police officer in Jerusalem, Israel. Photo was taken in March of 2002.
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the "only" official revision of the
King  James  Holy  Bible  titled:
Arkman's King James Holy Bible
as commissioned and ordained
by God on March 21 of 2012.
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